
07 June, 2012

Day 8 | Fiordland National Park

Fiordland National Park, New Zealand

Fiordland National Park is a real jewel even if we are talking New Zealand. This is probably one on the most remote and unspoiled place in the world and it is such a great pleasure just to know this place is well protected. The best way to get around is undeniably by foot. To get there you will need some other forms of transportation of cores, but as soon as you are finally there, you better leave your car as soon as possible and get deep into untouched forest. Trust me, you’ll have much better chances to meet trolls and elves down there than anywhere else on the face of our planet.

Back to the photo... This perfect example of native fern was photographed from about four meters above. There was some sort of passway along the forest and in several places it was elevated well above the ground. So, this particular fern tree was about five to six meters height and was spreading beautifully emerald branches for... may be another five meters. Quite amazing, actually...